Nympho Women Can't Get Enough Sex
Let's get one thing out there - I love sex and I have it as much as possible. I'm talking when I can, where I can, with who I can, but nympho women are something else. They love it, and the love it constantly! I have been with so many nymphomaniac women and they all want the same thing - to get off as often as possible! They are such a turn on and the fact that they aren't scared to say what they want and how they want it is sexy as hell. I have never been with a nympho who won't try anything and I love this part of dating a nympho; I don't have to talk them into bed and I don't have to convince them to try new things. My most adventurous sex has been with these horny ladies and I will never forget it!
Why I Stopped Dating Nymphos
Now - you may think I'm mad but I had to draw the line when it came to nympho dating! Keeping these kinds of women happy isn't for those who like a break from sex, as they will want it every single day and you have to willing, able and ready for them whenever they want to dive on you. I just couldn't keep up - although I really wish I could! I would highly recommend nympho women to men who have an equally high sex drive, but don't let them down, because they will move on to a man who is just as sexually charged as they are. Do you want sex all the time just like they do? Then go for it - you'll be the perfect match!
The Etiquette Of Chatting Online
If you are chatting online to a nympho, there really isn't a set etiquette and chances are, they will just want to get straight down to sex talk and get turned on, which is so horny! I always stayed polite, but I took control of the conversation; I found that if I was forward with women and told them exactly what I wanted to do to them in detail, it really got them hooked on talking to me because they knew I could turn them on and satisfy them before we even met! Don't be scared to be upfront and have the confidence to be out there, but not cheesy!